Tuesday, September 29, 2009


How is intelligence supposed to be measured as generated heated debate among scholars and non scholars in the field of cognitive psychology that differences in its definition varies as species of dogs.But a closer look gives a schooled insight on how intelligent should be viewed. Is based on rote memory , creativity IQ test performance, the child reasoning ability or other situations. According toPiaget in his "Origins of intelligence""...intelligence is a particular instance of biological adaptation".Analysing this definition influencedby Piaget biological orientation. It easily seen that the human intelligencev in the case is a kind of biological milestone, which enable the individual to interact effectively with the environment at a psychological level. Another definition states that intelligence " is the form of equillibrum towards which successive adaptations and exchanges between the organisms ands his environment are directed"(Psychology of intelligence,P6).
The term "eqilibrum" as it used here is derived from physics ,it suggests a balance, a harmonious adjustment between at least two factors -in this case between the person or his cognitve stru ctures and hi environment. Even when the balance is disturbed the person can do actions to retore it.Intelligence plays a crucial role in the restoration. It is the tool which allows this individual to achieve this "equlibrum" , or adapt by means of certain actions carried out on the environment.The implication of the definition is that the equlibrum is not instantly attained as the child grows ,as the variety of actions carried out by the child in his environment changes so too,will the resulting equilbrum. Thus, for Piaget there is no final intelligence , rather a sucessive intelligence.
Then, we can say that "intelligence involves biological adaptations, equilbrum between the individual and his environment , gradual evolution ,mental activity and competence". A crucial point to note is that this definition in no way stresses differences in intelligent. Piaget is not concerned with whether one is more intelligent or more clever than the other, or why. Though Piaget realises that differences in intellectual ability do exist, but he is not concerned in thier analysis , instead he seeks to abstract from the various idiosyncractic manifestations of behavior a description of the general form of thought. So fro Piaget, it is not a matter of why one baby starts to talk at 18 months and another 22months;the issue is instead is what words mean to both babies once they talk. For Piaget,it is not an issue whether a child can remember the names of 28 states while the other 24 states ; it rather what mental processes allow each child to remember whatever he does .

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